Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Fantastic Bedbug Control

One of the best tools int he control of bedbugs that will eliminate a good percentage from you home immediately would be a vacuum. An efficient hand held vacuum can do wonders for the control of bed bugs when used correctly. Start by identifying the area where the bedbugs are being seem the most. Now it is time to start by going from one side of the room inspecting every nook and cranny, vacuuming as you go any bedbug you come across. Behind picture frames, in drawers, in cracks and crevices, in the mattress tufts and buttons, under the bed frame, on the bed frame. When you are finished with your inspection there should be no live bedbugs to be found. Now take your vacuum and puff some talc powder and suck the powder up to clog the pours of the bedbugs and kill what you can in the bag. Now take the vacuum bag and throw it away. After this procedure a good chemical application will give you a good one two punch and give you some decent control over this horrible problem.

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