In a world besieged by bed bugs it is no wonder there is a sense of panic falling over the good citizens of the United States. In the big cities especially there is a ever present possibility of contracting a bed bug infestation. Something as simple and enjoyable as going to the movies with your family can be enough to be exposed to bed bugs. Taking the bus to work or taking the train to the city? Watch out. How about getting a furniture delivery. This is a great service the furniture company provides where they take away your old furniture and bring your new in and set it up. How are you to know that the house from the day before wasn't infested with bedbugs and for this very reason they replaced their furniture. Now they are on the truck and could have already infested your furniture before it has even entered your house. Same thing and even more possible with mattress delivery services. Bed bugs can infest schools, hospitals, and hotels. If your child goes to school it is possible that by simply putting their school bags in their locker can be enough to pick up bed bugs. Going to dinner for your anniversary? Checking your coats at the coat check? Better hope that the coat that your coat is hung next to does not have an infestation at home! If they do then chances are good that it won't be just the two of you returning for a night cap that evening. Have a dentist appointment. Hopefully the person sitting in the waiting room chair before you wasn't infested, because you could be numb to the dentist's drill but you won't be numb to the pain of a bed bug infestation. It is easy to see that the possibility of picking up a bed bug infestation is a simple task these days. With the problem expanding at a rapid rate and the fact that there is no real positive treatment for them as of yet, I would have to predict that the problem will become worse before it gets better. The only way to even start to battle these parasites is to educate the public and get past the stigma of bed bugs as a dirty problem. Unite and defeat!